Each stainless steel letter of 

spins above the main facade as weather vanes. Artisan Bishara alHadweh fabricated ball bearing aluminium tailor-made mechanical devices that ensure a constant smooth rotation of the Wonder Cabinet sign. Underneath it, a rough concrete grinded pediment and a succession of steel and glass facades made by Local Industries offer a view on the internal space as well as a glimpse of the facing valley, whose climbing landscape is suddenly spoiled by the view on a settlement that used to be a forest twenty-something years ago.

When entering the building on the north western side, the facades — made of large fixed glass panels — direct the visitors' gaze towards the hills of Jordan.

The three stories communicate through a cross sectional void linking a triple heighted production space, artist studios, and a street esplanade used for ephemeral setups.

The Wonder Cabinet is an invitation to explore the space and its surroundings through sound, discussions, objects, food, and the encountering of people and disciplines with each other, slowly unfolding into a platform for experimental projects and productions.


 THE WONDER CABINET Karkafeh Street, Bethlehem, Palestine (next to Arij) Location office@wondercabinet.space IG & FB Telegram wondercabinet.space

 THE WONDER CABINET Karkafeh Street, Bethlehem, Palestine (next to Arij) Location office@wondercabinet.space IG & FB Whatsapp